17 februar 2022

Webinar: SecurIT Open Call 1 and matchmaking

CenSec er partner i en række projekter, og et af dem er SecurIT, som giver mulighed for at få adgang til direkte funding af prototypeudvikling og demonstrationsprojekter. Hernæst giver projektet også et stort netværk via konsortiepartnerne og mulighed for at identificere forretningsmuligheder.

Den første ansøgningsrunde for projektet løber fra 25. januar til 26. april 2022.

Nedenfor ses information omkring det andet webinar – et todelt event med introduktion til fundingmulighederne om formiddagen og matchmaking om eftermiddagen.

Dato: 17. februar 2022 kl. 10:30-12 (introduktion til projektet) og 13:30-18 (matchmaking)

Sted: Online

Sprog: Engelsk


Tilmeld dig introduktion til projektet og open call om formiddagen her.

Tilmeld dig matchmaking om eftermiddagen her.


The 1st Open Call of the SecurIT project will start on January 25th and will remain open until April 26th.

On January 17th, take part to our full day information and matchmaking, organised by Secur-IT team:

  • Presentation of the SecurIT project and the Open Call –open to everyone >> 10:30 to 12:00 – (Registration)
  • Brokerage event with individual sessions for identification of partners in >>> 13:30 to 18:00 – (Registration)


About SecurIT Open Call

SecurIT will select up to 21 projects aiming to develop new prototypes or demonstrators in the security and cybersecurity domain with financial and mentoring support from SecurIT consortium. Projects should be submitted by consortia of 2 SMEs (preferably from different member states of the EU).

SecurIT is offering 2 Types of Instruments:

● Prototyping Instrument: for development of prototyping solutions for end-users or/and cybersecurity integrators at MVP stage at least. Under this instrument SecurIT will support you in translating your feasibility plan into a prototype,

● Demonstration Instrument: for new solutions in cybersecurity and digital applications applying to security solutions ready to piloting at large scale in the short-term. Under this instrument SecurIT will support the piloting and validation of your solution in the relevant environment.

Selected consortia will enter a 12-months Support Programme and receive:

● Up to € 74.000 per 1 prototype project (maximum € 60.000 per SME),

● Up to € 88.000 per 1 demonstration project (maximum € 60.000 per SME).