8 Februar 2022

Webinar: SecurIT Open Call 1

CenSec er partner i en række projekter, og et af dem er SecurIT, som giver mulighed for at få adgang til direkte funding af prototypeudvikling og demonstrationsprojekter. Hernæst giver projektet også et stort netværk via konsortiepartnerne og mulighed for at identificere forretningsmuligheder.

Den første ansøgningsrunde for projektet løber fra 25. januar til 26. april 2022.

Nedenfor ses information omkring det første webinar – en introduktion til fundingmulighederne.

Tilmeld dig her.


Dato: 8. februar 2022 kl. 12-14

Sted: Online

Sprog: Engelsk


During our session with specialists, we will go through some relevant information about the SecurIT project, providing:

  • A complete overview of the project
  • A detailed explanation of the selection process
  • Q&A time with our specialists

Also, during the Webinar we will allow up to 10 participants to give 3 minutes pitch of their project idea in order to find a partner.

If you would like to pitch, please send us your 1-slide ppt in advance, before 7 February, 12:00 CET at info.securit@fundingbox.com

Do not miss this opportunity to learn more about SecurIT!

The team Funding Box and the SecurIT Consortium will give all tips to successfully complete your application! Come and bring your questions!


  • Project overview
  • The selection process
  • Q&A time
  • Pitch session

Up to 10 participants will have the opportunity to give a 3 minutes pitch of their project idea in order to find a partner.
If you would like to pitch, please send us your 1-slide ppt in advance, before 7 February, 12:00 CET at info.securit@fundingbox.com