Jasper Frost, Chief Executive Officer, ALPHA Intelligence Group

Jasper Frost
Chief Executive Officer
ALPHA Intelligence Group

Jasper is a globally recognised trainer and keynote speaker. His extensive background in human intelligence (HUMINT) collection, elicitation, tactical behavioural analysis, social engineering, and counterintelligence makes him a sought-after educator for businesses, organisations, and governmental agencies across the Nordics, UAE, and Asia.

Through his work, Jasper has established close collaborations with key individuals, including those who have developed training programmes for the US military’s interrogation schools, special forces, and leading intelligence services. He’s a former associate of the Paul Ekman Group and regularly teaches deception detection and elicitation at JUC in Denmark, Sweden, and Norway.

Jasper has gained international recognition as a keynote speaker, represented by, among others, BigSpeak, where his expertise has been in demand at prominent events like the World Police Summit in Dubai 2023.