Kort intro

The DISCMAM  project – Digital Supply-Chain for On-site Maintenance by Additive Manafacturing – aims to increase autonomy of deployed land, air and naval forces in warfighting or/and peacekeeping missions by creating a new digital supply-chain. The DISCMAM project will develop a digital thread by providing a disruptive secure digital pathway for repair and manufacturing of spare parts, using AM Manufacturing technologies, for remote assistance to military field operations. This solution will be validated through two demonstrative use cases using Powder Bed Fusion and Directed Energy Deposition Laser-based technologies. The developed digital thread will provide an effective digital supply chain for on-site maintenance to the EU defence sector.

DISCMAM brings together new actors in defence research and innovation setting the basis for an innovative business model towards remote assisted on-site maintenance operations. It will provide autonomy to repair damaged components and manufacture spare parts by secure communication pathways for remote assistance to:

  • Avoid the need for AM specialised operators on-site
  • Reduce supply time, shortage and spare parts cost
  • Reduce non-usage time of necessary assets and
  • Optimise on-site stocks and digital inventory.


1.december 2023 – 30. november 2026


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Fra CenSecs side er Anders Laustsen (anders@censec.dk // +45 52 13 15 42) projektansvarlig. Kontakt ham for mere information.