NCC – Danmarks Nationale Koordinationscenter for Cybersikkerhed

Kort intro

The purpose of the Danish National Coordination Center for Cyber ​​Security (NCC) is to strengthen the Danish cyber security sector, increase the Danish take-up of cyber security funds from the EU and support the development and use of innovative cyber security solutions.

In 2020, the EU introduced a cyber security strategy to improve the ability to deal with cyber attacks and incidents across the Union. As part of this strategy, National Coordination Centers for Cybersecurity were established in 2021 in all EU countries with the aim of strengthening and building pan-European capacity in cyber security, creating greater cohesion within and across the countries’ cyber security sectors, and supporting cooperation with the European Competence Center (ECCC).
As part of the effort, the EU has also allocated funds for the development of cyber security technology and solutions through the various grant funds, including especially Horizon Europe and the Digital Europe programme.
The Danish NCC is responsible for strengthening cooperation within Denmark’s cyber security sector, including forming professional professional networks. NCC must also manage a number of grant pools funded by the EU and the Danish Agency for Digitalisation, which focus on supporting industry-specific cyber security solutions and promoting knowledge and data sharing. From 2024 to 2025, a total of DKK 17.3 million has been set aside for these subsidies.


1.december 2023 – 30. november 2025


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Fra CenSecs side er Inger Charlotte Juhl ( // +45 53 62 80 87) projektansvarlig. Kontakt hende for mere information