
EU KETs4Dual-Use 2.0


The EU KETs4Dual Use 2.0 project is a continuation of a Phase 1 project EU KETs4Dual-Use Worldwide.
The proposal aims to support ecosystem where European startups /SMEs will be given an opportunity to identify the optimal ways of bringing their solutions into both the European and Global Dual Use market value chain. The securing of business agreements to develop joint collaborative project between the Partnership SME members and business and other relevant stakeholders from target countries (Singapore, Canada, the UAE) will lead to increase exports, investment opportunities and will generate employment for European businesses.

The Partnership has 500 SMEs with qualified competencies in the field of dual-use technologies acting as primary clients for project services. The main objective is to set up business collaboration and stimulate demand for start-ups/SMEs in target countries to gain cross-border diversification and sectoral synergies representing both the supplier (technology/service provider) and demand (end-user).

Focus groups dedicated to KETs for Dual-use Applications and Resilient Business Models focusing on COVID19 will be established and specific business development training will be provided to support SMEs in global competition.

To unlock growth and investment opportunities for European dual-use SMEs via international collaboration, 3 international missions to target countries will be organised. SMEs will benefit from the support of international business advisors in target countries who will organise individualised pre-qualified B2B meetings with pertinent stakeholders from Security & Defence sectors in order to generate business & collaborative R&D agreements and to access to available funding opportunities.

Key stages for dual-use SMEs are the following: Focus groups, training sessions, international missions, business development, bilateral business agreements & funding opportunities identification.



16. September, 2021


16. September, 2023


Sofie Jensen,


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Estonian Defence Industry Association (EDIA)