


The purpose of this project is to facilitate innovation in satellite-based maritime domain awareness (MDA) for defense applications to the benefit of the competitiveness of Danish companies and Danish defense by utilizing cutting-edge technical knowledge and facilities at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). The scope of the project is both HW (payload technology) and SW (data processing) related to satellitebased MDA. There is a lot of relevant research pertaining to satellite-based MDA at DTU, e.g. with regards to RF payloads and data processing for dark ship detection. This project aims to put this knowledge to good commercial use to the benefit of the competitiveness of Danish industry and satellite manufacturers, operators and data processors. In close collaboration with DALO, the project will be grounded in a comprehensive understanding of the operational and strategic needs for defense awareness within the maritime domain. This project will be executed alongside and in collaboration with internal development activities within satellite-based MDA at DALO.



1. January, 2024


1. January, 2024

Bevilget pulje


Anders Laustsen,

Deltagende virksomheder

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Space Inventor;GomSpace;Atla.ai;Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse